Display the weather and a four day forcast right on your desktop with this minimal screenlet.

I first noticed this screenlet in an screenshot on DeviantArt by BilliShere and fell in love with it’s simplicity.

You can download the screenlet from: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Wide+weather?content=77168

Install it in the usual way by dragging and dropping it into the ‘Screenlets Manager’ window (Or Universal Applet’s Window if you’re using UA).

Launch it with a double click and drag it to the position where you want it.

To get the forcast for your city right click the screenlet and click ‘Zip Code’. If you’re living in the ol’ USA then enter your zip code, if you’re living elsewhere you can get you “zip code” by doing the following: –

1. Head on over to Weather.com
2. Enter your city in the search box and hit return.
3. Select the correct city.
4. In the Address/URL bar of your browser you’ll notice something similar to this (varies depending on location): –


5. Copy the code after ‘local/’. In the example above it would be SWXX0022.
6. Enter this into the ‘Zip Code’ part of the screenlet and click ‘Apply’.


The preferences dialog (right click > preferences) allows you to tweak the colours of the text and icons, the font an what sections are displayed.

To get it looking as per the screenshots above, just turn the opacity down to ‘0’ on both the background and border colour.