Above is the release video we created for the launch of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

And below is the video we made showcasing the best feature in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

You’re probably wondering why I’m sharing these with you.

Well, you may have noticed that we stopped making Ubuntu release videos after Trusty.

We had made videos for each release of Ubuntu between Ubuntu 11.10 & 14.04. But when it came to Utopic Unicorn we… Well, there just wasn’t an awful lot to make a video out of.

Ubuntu got boring.

And then it got even more boring.

I am not for one-second criticising the Ubuntu team for making releases ‘boring’. They focused on stability and refinement. It’s not sexy, but it is important.

But video is a visual medium (duh — the world). As welcome as all of those ‘under the hood’ fixes and updates to LibreOffice and Firefox were, such changes don’t make for a particularity exciting 3 minute video.

“Here’s the Unity dash… no changes there… and here’s the Unity launcher, some bug fixes there… and, um, ooh wallpaper! That’s new!”

Obviously Ubuntu 17.10 is the total opposite of boring. It’s all new: new desktop, new look, new features, new apps, new everything.

Which we think WILL make for a particularly exciting 3 minute video.

So the reason why i’m sharing our old release videos above is to prep you to ask this question:

Would you like to us to make an Ubuntu 17.10 release video?

If you don’t, that’s fine. We’ll still be posting a regular release article-come-review either way, along with other fine release day fare.

But if you do want to see us make a video we would love to sample your thoughts about the kind of videos you like to watch.

So we set up the following short survey:

OMG! Ubuntu! Video Survey

In it we ask you a bunch of questions about videos, from what style you like to whether you like videos with a voice over or not.

Whatever your thoughts please (really!) let us know by filling it out.