As you may be aware, the GNOME Control Center is getting some long overdue love and attention in GNOME 3.26.

The macOS inspired icon grid used since the early days of GNOME 3 gives way to a cleaner, saner side-bar based layout, punctuated with some sleek new symbolic icons.

Layout and options for many of Settings panels have been tweaked, tuned or reimplemeented, with ‘Network’ being a notable one.

Providing a better look at the new GNOME settings app is developer Georges Stavracas. He uploaded a short video showcase of the new look Settings app to his YouTube channel.

And things are looking great!

A developers’ work is never done; there are more improvements to come to Settings says Georges, including an improved Sound panel and the introduction of a LTE/Mobile Broadband section.

GNOME designers Jon McCann and Allan Day presented their vision for the revamp last year, explaining how they wanted to move to a layout that “uses a list sidebar for navigation” to help guide users through the interface ‘in a logical way, rather than [them] being presented with a wall of stuff that equally competes for attention.’

The new Settings app will ship as part of GNOME 3.26, on course for stable release next month. Keep an eye out for it in Ubuntu 17.10, where it *may* be included.