Ubuntu Touch – Now With More Preview

Announcing the news, Sergio Schvezov, Software Engineer in Product Strategy at Canonical, iterated that as daily builds the images ‘may have important regressions’.

Images for all four currently supported devices will be built daily(-ish, read on) and made available for install using the Phablet Tools package.

What This Means for Developers

For developers the arrival of daily images means access to the latest code, latest fixes, and latest features of the Touch experience.

It also means access to the latest bugs, regressions and breakages.

But these should, hopefully, be kept to a minimum. Sergio tells us that while the individual parts that make up the Ubuntu Touch Experience will be tested before being pushed to the preview, it won’t be known how these affect overall image – the daily build – until its made.

‘We install the daily builds every day for development so if something is broken, we’ll probably track it and trigger a follow-up build.’

Ultimately those working on the underside of Ubuntu Touch can carry on as they were (building locally) but app developers will want to update their touch image at fairly regularly intervals.

For now no change-logs are available but, we’re told, will be routinely published online shortly.

Get The Daily Updates

There are several ways to “get” the daily updates.

The latest Touch Preview image can be downloaded from the Ubuntu Image sub-site:

Ubuntu Touch Daily Builds 

You can update your device by updating the phablet-tools package and reinstalling:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:phablet-team/tools

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install phablet-tools android-tools-*

If you already have Phablet Tools installed and up-to-date, and are running Ubuntu Touch on your device, you can flash the latest daily build by running:

phablet-flash -l

Or, if you prefer, all the packages used to build the daily image are available to install by adding the following PPA to your device:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:phablet-team/ppa 

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Additional editing and text by Joey-Elijah Sneddon

dailybuilds ubuntutouch