Google Earth 6.2 was released last week with improved imagery, Google+ integration and improvements to search.

Sadly one thing wasn’t fixed: the infamous ‘font issue‘ in Linux.

You can read more about what’s new by clicking here.

Ugly Font Fix

Google provide 32bit and 64bit .Deb installers for Ubuntu users. Whilst Google Earth 6.2 works well under Ubuntu the same can’t be said for how it looks out-of-the-box: –

Weird fonts in google earth on Ubuntu

Thankfully fixing the stretched out typography is quite simple. All it requires is the installation of two additional packages: –

  • lsb-core – ‘…a standard core system that third-party applications written for Linux can depend upon.’
  • ttf-mstcorefonts-installer – The ubiquitous set of fonts (Arial, Verdana, etc) owned by Microsoft
Both packages can be installed through the Ubuntu Software Center – hit the buttons below to do this.

Install lsb-core

Install Microsoft Core Fonts

Once installed, open up Google Earth 6.2 and you’ll be presented with an interface that is legible, though not perfect.

Font issue fixed in Google Earth on Ubuntu

Want to go further? Read our guide on ‘How to Make Google Earth Look Native in Ubuntu

fixes Google googleearth