I was chatting with my good pal Seif Lotfy just now, and he had something very, very cool to show off.

As some of you may know, Seif has been working closely with the Software Center developers to integrate Zeitgeist into the Software Center. We blogged about the Software Center using Zeitgeist to display app usage a couple of weeks ago, and naturally the next step would be for that information to be translated into recommendations, which is very, very cool.

When you run Software Center from the testing branch with this functionality, you’ll notice this text in the main Software Center window:

Click on the link and you’ll be greeted with:

Magic or what?

Try it yourself

It’s nice and easy to try it out yourself if you’re running Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat. Simply run the following commands in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install zeitgeist

bzr branch bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~seif/software-center/zeitgeist-popular-mimetypes/

cd zeitgest-popular-mimetypes


Of course, this is all very early days so don’t be surprised if things break. Either way, it’s a pretty awesome glimpse into the possibilities of Software Center + Zeitgeist love for Natty Narwhal and beyond!