If you pop over to forum.omgubuntu.co.uk you’ll see that we now have a much-requested forum for your banter to have a home.

The forum is the awesome work of James Raymond, and Daniel Foré, who created the sexy buttons you see all over the place.

We hope you enjoy using the forums as a place  to have intelligent discussion about Ubuntu, its derivatives, posts we write on here, Ubuntu Gamer and OMG! SUSE!, and to generally just have a good time all round.

Discussion isn’t just limited to Ubuntu :)

We had a look at the other forums on offer around the internet and looked at what areas we could improve on. Our ultimate goal was to make the forums fun, fast and user friendly. The focus for forums should be on the content, and everything else should just blend into the background – like any quality software.

Therefore the design is rather minimal, using lots of shades of gray. Things like post icons and other unnecessary cruft was removed to give you a streamlined forum experience. We think we’ve done a nice job in the design, but of course we are open to feedback.

Moderators are chosen by us, so please don’t request to become one. It’s important to note that the same code of conduct applies to the forums as to the main site.

We’ve set the standard, now it’s up to you guys to keep it.

If you like the forum, why not become a fan on Facebook!