The UbuntuOne Music store no longer accepts Click&Buy as a payment method because Ubuntu/Canonical, who, given the Store is in Beta, are still experimenting with functionality “including the offered payment methods” according to a 7Digital spokesmen. 


When OMG! reader Joern tried to buy some new music in the U1 German locale store via Click & Buy ” his preferred method which he has used many times previously ” he found it was no longer an option. He e-mailed 7Digital to ask why this payment offer had suddenly been withdrawn and was given this reply (translated from German1): –

“The Ubuntu Music store is currently in beta, and Ubuntu is still experimenting with all kinds of use and functionality, including the offered payment methods. Currently the intention is to launch the store without Click & Buy [offered].

We will forward your comments, however, to Ubuntu, and if demand [is sufficient] Click & Buy may be added.”

The decision, seemingly only at the behest of Ubuntu (as Click & Buy remains an accepted payment method via the 7Digtial website), is one that is sure to limit the accessibility of the store in many locales – particularly in places such as Germany and the UK where Click and buy is one of the more popular online payment methods.

Flip side of the €uro

Dodgy puns aside, this decision will have been made with financial or logistical reasoning. It may not be monetarily sound to support Click & Buy when, in comparison to the other methods available, it is the least used.


What payment method do you use for the U1 Music store?

1Full German response:

Danke für Ihre Nachricht. Der Store von Ubuntu ist momentan in der Beta Version und Ubuntu experimentiert derzeit noch mit allen möglichen Arten der Nutzung und Funktionalität, inklusive der angebotenen Zahlungsmethoden. Aktuell wird beabsichtigt, den Store ohne Click & Buy im Angebot zu lancieren. Wir werden Ihr Feedback jedoch an Ubuntu weiterleiten und wenn die Nachfrage entsprechend ausfällt, wird Click & Buy vielleicht doch hinzugefügt. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis.

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