A few days back we showed you an awesome Facebook applet for your GNOME panel called ‘Wallbox’.

One of my criticisms of said application was that its icons were a bit on the… “lulwhat?” side. Mental refresh of those in 2, 1: –

New Icons

OMG! reader Marc has made some replacement icons that are more in keeping with the Facebook-ness of the application. They do lack number badges, but they look awesome!

The icon changes from the Humanity-esque monochrome outline to a full blue ‘facebook’ icon when new messages/updates are recieved, so you’ll always know if there’s something new going down.

Download Replacement Wallbox Icons

Whack the link below to download a .zip file containing the icons.


To install the icons, first unpack the .zip file. Then hit ALT+F2 and paste/copy the following: –

  • gksu nautilus /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/wallbox/data

Now move the unzipped ‘image’ folder across to the newly spawned wallbox/data window and confirm that you wish to ‘replace all’. Restart Wallbox and et voila!

facebook Icons wallbox