I love Android. I can’t afford an Android device, but still I love Android.

I started porting the Android handset icons to a gnome theme when i came across iruel‘s similar attempt on Gnome-look.


Called “Genoid” it comes with lots of Android flavour – many icons have been incorporated, it has a GDM and and a GTK theme. You can download it here.

Even better

‘Genoid’ is a great attempt but its no where near finished and a lot of Android icons are missing meaning you end up with a half-android half-gnome theme desktop.


Now, because i am impatient and i really want to get a proper ‘Android-esque’ desktop up and running pretty sharpish, I’ve taken ‘Genoid’ as a base and started replacing the icons in the set with their Android versions and will be making icons that are in keeping with Android for which there is no equivalent.


I’ll also be packaging up my tweaked Chrome GTK theme and Google Wave Emerald alongside it, throwing in some ‘Android’ screenlets that look like their android counterparts AND I’m going to try my hardest to get hold of some HQ versions of the default Android wallpapers.

default_wallpaper wallpaper_sunrisewallpaper_sunrisewallpaper_sunrise

I need to give this “suite” a name…



Android Eye Candy